A632.8.3.RB - Reflections on the Cynefin
“No two snowflakes are alike”, a common facet that’s often used as an analogy, also applies to the multitude of decision making environments. The process of decision-making varies greatly with each and every person. Another influence to this process is the setting where a decision must be made; the Cynefin Framework is a tool that may be used to improve the decision making process in various situations categorized as simple, complicated, complex, chaotic, and disorder (Snowden & Boone 2007). Making decisions in a simple context may be the easiest to identify. Characteristics of the simple context include repeating patterns, predictable consequences of decisions, and factual based management. In the simple context, a manager should ensure policies are in place to accomplish goals; little management involvement should took place. If too much time is spent in this context, time will be used inefficiently. Of course, on the opposite extreme, if no time is spent at all on...