A632.2.3.RB - Sheena Iyengar: How to Make Choosing Easier
Overwhelming our clients and even ourselves can be detrimental to the decision making process. When faced with too many options, we may choose to delay facing the decision itself. This can be very counterproductive when decisions are associated with strict timelines or due dates (just like this assignment!). Another potential consequence of having too many options is that we are more likely to make worse choices. The best choice of a group may not be so obvious when it is clouded by so many other options. Lastly, choosing from so many options may leave us with what many may call, a “sour taste”. I think we can contribute this feeling to our nature of retrospect. We often look back at other possible scenarios that could have happened if we chose differently. Sheena Lyengar has researched the negative issues associated with too many options and has found a variety of possible solutions. The first potential answer to too many options is to reduce the amount of options, or cut. Cutting...